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Mar 20, 2011

Welcoming Spring 2011!

Spring is finally here! This winter proved to be a long and a difficult one, with events in Russia (Moscow airport blast), Egypt (the Uprise in Egypt) and in Croatia (Protests against Government) affecting our projects in those countries as well, and teaching us, yet again, never to stop adapting to the local environment.

Still, we did a lot this winter:

And what will we be doing this spring?

  • mid-April we'll bring you the first issue of Nektarina Space web magazine (and we will continue to publish a new issue every month)
  • in May we are starting with 10:10 Teen Forums - 2-3 day events for young people to exchange ideas and share knowledge on carbon footprint reduction
  • in June we are publishing two e-books (also printable offline) - EverGreen / growing up with nature in mind  ; and Roma People / The Carnival of Light
This spring we will be hiring a fair share of new staff (some positions are still open), and we are looking forward to welcoming new people into our team!