Additionally, you can join us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter @EciYouthForums
ECI (Educate - Connect - Inspire) Youth Forums are highly interactive forums for young people.
Forums focus on:
1/ educating youth through visual, audiovisual and practical workshops and presentations
2/ connecting peers with different lifestyles, interests, objectives and backgrounds with the purpose of them debating and discussing forum topics, exchange knowledge, experiences, practices and ideas
3/ inspiring youth to take positive long term action, and to, regardless of their future occupation, become and stay committed to live and work in a environmentally responsible way
Topics which ECI Youth Forums will be addressing throughout 2011 and 2012 are:
- climate change
- carbon footprint
- renewable energies
- sustainable living
- corporate and governmental responsibility
- community involvement
- co-operative action
ECI Youth Forums have been tag-lined "Influencing the Leaders of Tomorrow"
Official language of the forums is English.
Country schedule for 2011 / 2012 ECI Youth Forums is available here.
ECI Youth Forums are carried out by Nektarina Non Profit. While we have semi-fixed agendas, that cover equally the global scope and the local aspect and demographics, we are open to discus country partnerships and contributions from other NGOs and organizations.
For interested entities, please email for more information.
ECI Youth Forums are free-admission forums for all participants. All young people who would like to participate in the forum need to register by emailing filled in Participant's Form available for download here.
Please direct all questions to