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Oct 24, 2011

June - October 2011 overview of our 10:10 actvities


It's review time again for our activities as a 10:10 hub! We published a five-month review at the end of May this year, and here are the news / highlights from our activities in June, July, August, September and October 2011:

‘Low Carbon and Delicious” cookbook got a media sponsor/partner (Food & Drink magazine from Croatia)
Free desktop 10:10 wallpapers/calendars were issued in different formats/colours
An event to promote cycling for school children was held in Bucharest, Romania in association with Cutezatorii magazine (photo gallery)
We took part in the biggest Romanian music festival B’estFest (check out also the photo gallery and full report from our on-the-field volunteer)
Our young 10:10ers from Bratislava, Slovakia sent us this lovely poem and held an outdoor 10:10 teen event
10:10 Global’s web design guru Tom helped us re-vamp our 10:10 teen blog, and it looks absolutely amazing
Zadar county (10:10 county), Croatia turns to wind power to reduce carbon emissions
We had a set of lovely low carbon events to celebrate 10:10:11


Nektarina Non Profit serves as a 24 country hub for the 10:10 campaign since June 2010. All work that we do for this project is voluntary.

We carry out the campaign in the following countries: Alabania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia (FYROM), Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.