Educate. Connect. Inspire

Educate. Connect. Inspire

Jan 20, 2012

Into the Wild

Okay, that title is something between a joke and a book title (or is it? ;) )

January is moving towards February, and it's time to start getting some serious work done this year (we already laid out some general idea about our 2012 projects in last year's posts):

  • EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY - What is this one really about? In short, we will try to get Ministries of Education in 30+ countries to change their official curriculum for schools and add a subject that deals with sustainability, sustainable living and sustainable development. Why do we think that is important? It is becoming more and more self evident that, unless we change our mindsets and adopt sustainability as a way of life, we (both people and the environment) will be facing some serious challenges and issues, that might prove to be impossible to overcome. Hence, the time to change our mindsets is now (no, strike that -  it was yesterday - but if we work together on this one, we just may catch the last train). How do we plan to reach our goal? By working closely with schools, local communities, general population, environmental agencies, ministries and governments. We will need your helps and support, comments and critiques, inputs and insights. We will use social networks, blogs, and media to raise awareness about this project, keep you all in the loop on our progress. We are very much aware that it might not be possible to get all countries we will be targeting to agree on this curriculum change, but we shall do our best to get on board as many countries as possible. Who will benefit from this project? Young generations, primarily, but with them, the societies as a whole. So much of our identities is shaped during our formal education, and while one could argue that the most important things we learn at home (and one would be right), schools are (and should be) a place where children and youth get access to the information, knowledge and practices relevant for their future (professional) development. The sooner we provide them with coherent and transparent information about sustainable living and sustainable development, the better for societies in general, as today's children and youth will grow into tomorrow's decision makers.  How will interested parties and general public be able to track our progress? While we will post monthly reports on our website, daily and weekly updates will be available via Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and Posterous accounts "Nektarina Sustainability" (detailed links will be provided soon). Additionally, we started working on a knowledge sharing platform, that will support this project, and you can get more information about the platform itself by reading the presentation right here:

Taken into the account all of the above, this is, obviously, not a short term project, and we are looking forward to sharing both our progress and challenges along the way with you. We will, most certainly, need your help and support along the way, whether it is your comment, petition support or contribution.

For any additional information, volunteer and internship opportunities as well as progress reports, please send an email to

For any additional information, volunteer and internship opportunities as well as progress reports, please send an email to