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About us

Nektarina Non Profit is international non-profit organization dedicated to educating, connecting and inspiring people to care about their communities and their environment.

Nektarina Non Profit was founded in 2009 in Zagreb, Croatia, with one broad idea in mind - highlighting issues that affect us all globally. Highlighting them by raising awareness and  inspiring action but, most importantly, by educating people on these issues.

So often we do not take action on certain issue because we are not sure what is it really about, it sounds remote, or it is happening in another country, and we choose to think it does not affect us.
The truth is, everything affects us, directly or indirectly, whether it is happening in India or in Argentina, or around our block.

Three main threads kept coming out on all of our initial brainstorming sessions - PEOPLE - ENVIRONMENT - EDUCATION - with three action verbs applicable to any and all of them - EDUCATE - CONNECT - INSPIRE.

We are active in 30+ countries on three continents – Europe, Central Asia and Northern Africa. Our approach is highly local, and we consider cultural, religious, ethnic and any other diversity when carrying out a campaign. Our activities target general population, but we tend to give stronger focus to younger demographics.

Our work focuses on education in the following areas:

  • Citizen engagement and public participation – transparency in decision making
  • Enhancing collaborative practices and developing public cultural spaces
  • Human rights; particularly the rights of children and youth, women’s rights, the rights of minorities and Roma inclusion
  • Freedom of artistic expression, and usage of art in highlighting current political, social and environmental issues
  • Building a common future for environmental sustainability
  • Enancing co-operatives and the usage of renewable energy sources
  • Climate mitigation and climate adaptation, both on a global and local level

  • Nektarina Non Profit uses on-the-field events like workshops, conferences, forums, debates, film screenings, in-door and outdoor classes, concerts and fairs to reach its target groups. Peer-to-peer education is one of the most important methods we use in our work. Direct share of practices, case studies, knowledge and experience proved to be the most effective and inspiring way to educate and connect people. With the staff of only four people, Nektarina Non Profit relies a great deal to the network of volunteers and we work closely with official volunteer centers in countries we are active in.

    Countries we are active in:

    Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UN Resolution 1244), Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine

    For all inquiries please contact:    

    Nektarina Non Profit is a registred non profit organization based in Zagreb, Croatia.